Resep Enak Chicken Cordon Bleu Frozen Rumahan

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Chicken Cordon Bleu Frozen. Our chicken cordon bleu is breaded, stuffed white-meat chicken filled with ham and a blend of cheeses. Individually wrapped for freshness and convenience. A delicious French classic, chicken cordon bleu is made of chicken breasts stuffed with ham and Swiss cheese..

Chicken Cordon Bleu Frozen With a meat mallet, flatten the chicken until it is ¼" thick. Cover each piece of chicken with a slice of ham, and sprinkle the Swiss cheese on top of the ham. Fold in each long side of chicken breast, beginning at a short end and rolling it up jelly-roll style. Kamu dapat membuat Chicken Cordon Bleu Frozen menggunakan 9 bahan dan 3 langkah. Pelajari cara memasak Chicken Cordon Bleu Frozen yang cepat.

Bahan yang dibutuhkan memasak Chicken Cordon Bleu Frozen :

  1. 250 gram dada ayam fillet.
  2. secukupnya Garam dan lada hitam bubuk.
  3. 2 lembar smoked beef/ham.
  4. 2 lembar keju mozarella (me:bridel).
  5. Tusuk gigi secukupnya.
  6. 1 sdm tepung terigu.
  7. 1 butir telur, kocok lepas.
  8. Secukupnya tepung roti.
  9. Minyak goreng agak banyak untuk menggoreng.

An easy Chicken Cordon Bleu which is quick to prepare, and baked rather than fried. All the flavour, all the crunch, a beautiful golden crumb, and it's better for you! This retro classic is here to stay - always! Chicken stuffed with ham and cheese, coated with crunchy golden breadcrumbs.

Langkah membuat Chicken Cordon Bleu Frozen

  1. Belah dada ayam secara horizontal menjadi 2. Ambil satu bagian, sayat kembali secara horizontal supaya melebar, tapi jangan sampai putus. Hasilnya adalah 2 lembar dada ayam yg lebar. Bumbui kedua sisinya dengan garam dan lada..
  2. Tata keju dan ham di atasnya, lalu gulung hati2. Rapatkan dengan bantuan tusuk gigi. Lumuri tepung terigu, gulingkan ke telur lalu lapisi dengan tepung roti. Jika ingin lapisannya tebal maka tinggal gulungkan kembali ke telur dan kembali lapisi dengan tepung roti. Simpan di kulkas 30 menit. Atau bisa langsung dibekukan jika ingin buat yg frozen..
  3. Goreng dengan minyak panas sambil sesekali minyaknya disiram-siramkan ke atas ayam hingga permukaan agak kecoklatan. Karena saya takut kalau ayam kurang matang, saya lanjutkan panggang di oven suhu 180 derajat selama 10 menit. Done. Jangan lupa cabuti tusuk gigi sebelum dihidangkan..

With Barber Foods ® Cordon Bleu Stuffed Chicken Breasts, you can make mealtime something the entire family looks forward to. What Are Barber Foods Cordon Bleu Stuffed Chicken Breasts? This marvelous selection contains a collection of breaded chicken breasts that have been stuffed with cheese and ham. Consume commercially prepared cordon bleu in moderation. The melted cheese filling of baked chicken cordon bleu will be extremely hot.