Frozen yoghurt strawberry. With fresh summer strawberries and natural honey, my frozen yogurt recipe is summertime perfection in five minutes. This strawberry frozen yogurt recipe is beyond easy. It's healthy, delicious, fruity and the perfect quick dessert for hot days.
Roughly chop half the strawberries and whizz the rest in a food processor or with a stick blender to a purée.
This strawberry frozen yogurt is creamy, smooth, lightly sweet and super easy to make.
This Strawberry Frozen Yogurt is a clean-eating frozen yogurt recipe made with strawberries Strawberry Frozen Yogurt.
Kamu dapat membuat Frozen yoghurt strawberry menggunakan 3 bahan dan 2 langkah. Simak cara membuat Frozen yoghurt strawberry yang cepat.
Bahan yang dibutuhkan memasak Frozen yoghurt strawberry :
- 100 gr strawberry beku.
- 1/2 gelas yoghurt plain.
- 1 sdm gula pasir/madu.
Here is the quintessential summer frozen dessert. I made this Strawberry Frozen Yogurt before we left for California and I want to make it again with Find some juicy strawberries and make this Strawberry Frozen Yogurt. It is the perfect cool down. "I never make frozen yogurt as a low-fat replacement for ice cream," says Jeni Britton. Pour the strawberry yogurt into an ice cream maker and freeze according to the manufacturer's.
Cara membuat Frozen yoghurt strawberry
- Bersihkan strawberry jika belum beku,masukan dalam kantong plastik lalu bekukan..
- Masukkan strawberry,yoghurt,dan gula pasir/madu. Blender hingga cukup halus. Sajikan langsung..
Turn your ice cream machine on and pour in the chilled yogurt mixture. It is so easy and, sorry, very addictive! It's a great healthy summer dessert when you're craving ice cream. These frozen yogurt pops taste like a total treat but are actually made with simple, nutritious Paired with the fresh strawberries and lemon, the frozen yogurt is naturally sweet and indulgent tasting. Greek yogurt, with all its beneficial bacteria, is much more than just a quick snack.